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Showing posts from October 15, 2017

Happy 1st Birthday Isabelle Lilly!!!

Happy 1st Birthday Isabelle Lilly!!!    She's A Wild One I can't believe my baby's one! The last 12 months have gone by so quick it's unreal. It's crazy to think how far she's come and all she's achieved in a year. I look back at photos of the day she was born and it feels like it was yesterday. I've been making baby photo albums for her and its surreal looking back at photos from a few months ago to see her face has changed so much that it's almost like looking at a different baby. The rate of development is outstanding to me. That she went from not being able to do a single thing for herself to have learnt to talk and walk ect all in one year! I'm so proud of her and all she is. She is the greatest gift in the world. I love being her mum. It's been my best year yet because it's my first year as a mum! Happy 1st Birthday baby girl! <3 She's had more of a birthday week. We celebrated early with family and friends. We to