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Showing posts from September 10, 2017

How To Help A Baby Sleep Through The Night

     How To Help A Baby Sleep Through The Night For newborns and older babies who wake during the night    The first few precious months of your baby's life are magical yet absolutely exhausting. There's no words to describe how tough it is take care of a baby and yourself when neither one of you are getting enough sleep. The important thing to remember is that this phase doesn't last long and with enough perseverance and patience they will be sleeping through the night in no time. These are my tips from my own first hand experience as a mum to a young baby. All are tried and true methods that's worked for me but bare in mind all babies are different and what works for one may not work for another. Bath-Bottle-Bed Routine. Babies and children thrive on routines . This is the most important thing I'd recommend. If you haven't started a bed time routine it can be the best thing you do. It establishes a great routine where they know when its bed time