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Showing posts from September 17, 2017

Baby 11 Months Old Update: Isabelle Lilly

 Isabelle Lilly  11 Months Old Update    Wow another month has flown by in a blink of an eye. It is officially the beginning of autumn which not only means the beautiful colour of leaves changing but her 1st birthday is right round the corner. Cant believe in just a few short weeks shes going to be one!!! I could cry at the thought :') Milestones She gained 2 extra teeth this month! It's horrible for them when their teeth are cutting through but I'm pleased that she can have more solid food now than mostly purees. She's using her teeth to cut through pieces of food and tear chunks off. When I give her snack and finger food like the Kiddylicious veggie straws (vegetable crisps) she'll press them down on her 2 bottom teeth to cut bits off so eating is more fun for her.  One of the thing's she's learnt that I'm most proud of is laughing, smiling and clapping to get our attention over crying. I'm thrilled by this because I

Get To Know Me

Get To Know Me Happy Tuesday everyone! There's only just 2 weeks & 1 day left till Isabelle's 1st Birthday!!! I thought you all like to Get To Know Me and Isabelle better for the occasion. If you don't already know I'm Jessica and my daughter's name is Isabelle. I'm a new mum and want to share my experience and knowledge with other mums. Being a mum is the best thing in the world. I absolutely love it but there are hard challenges that comes with parenting and hopefully I have some useful advice to help others. I thought as I've done some baby posts like this Tips How To Help A Baby Sleep Through The Night , you might like to get to know more about the person behind the blog. Random Facts About me Jessica I'm currently 23, soon to be turning 24 in November. I'm Married to a wonderful, gorgeous man named Luke and we'll be celebrating 8 years together in November as well :) We was married on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. The day was a dr